After Summer Sale Roundup

This is the perfect time of year to be scoring spring and summer décor for next year. I LOVE after season sales!


Last year we scored these awesome outdoor lantern strands for 50% off at Target and they’re one of my favorite after season purchases ever! They really made a difference on our back porch! I’ll have to share a picture soon!

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Almost all the stores have their spring and summer items marked way down so run while they may have stuff left! Here are some of this year’s After Summer sale items I got!

Target Hanging pot – 70% off


Target Planters for Front Porch – 70% off


And here is my haul last week from Hobby Lobby, Target and Michael’s Clearance section:



Outdoor Pillows – 50% off

Ceramic Lemons – 70% off


Hobby Lobby

Pots and Citronella Candle – 66% off

Ivory Vase and matching ceramic ball – 66% off



Faux Grass Plant – 60% off

Moss Bunny and Bird – 60% off


Have you guys gotten any awesome deals lately? The great thing is most of the items I bought can be used year round!

Things I Love Thursday – Champagne and Marble QI Charger

For things I love Thursday, I had to share with you my new cell phone charger because it’s kind of…beautiful.


Let me start by saying I do not have a love for new technology but I have a husband and several co-workers that do and they share some of the new technology they’re using. So, QI may not be new to you, but it’s new to me! I am also no guru of QI wireless charging but the main idea is that you can set your phone on this charger and it charges your device without plugging anything in.  A lot of new phones automatically support QI charging but if your phone doesn’t, there is a little accessory that you can put behind you battery that enables QI charging.

Last week my coworker got a new phone so he gave me his QI accessory from his old one to make mine QI compatible. I was looking on Amazon for some chargers and ran across this beautiful Champagne and Marble Charging Pad.

I never imagined loving a phone charger as much as I love this one. I’m sure you know what it’s like, you use your phone at night scrolling through Facebook or Instagram and then have to reach down at the foot of the bed in the dark and hunt for the charger and then struggle to plug it in when you can’t see anything (First world problems, I know). Well this charger is amazing, I don’t have to reach down and find the cord to plug it up, it just sits on my nighstand looking all pretty and when I’m ready to charge my phone, I just sit it right on top. That’s it!! I love having a charger that isn’t such an eye sore and makes my life easier!






I’m happy to be back over at the Landeelu blog to share another simple DIY project with you. This project is so simple that I did most of it on a plane, yes you heard me right! I’m sure many of you see these beautiful, beautiful signs that you would love to have in your home but that price tag is just not fitting into the budget. Well now you can make them for yourself!

Go check out how to make this Simple DIY Custom Sign!

Happy 4th of July from my family to yours!

I know I’ve been a little silent lately, I am hosting a crafting small group through my church which means all my extra “craft time” has been focused on it! I wanted to wish you all a blessed and safe 4th of July and hopefully I’ll be back with some great posts and projects to share soon!


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Things I Love Thursday – Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

I’m not sure when this trend began but fiddle leaf fig trees are one of the hottest trends in the home décor world right now. I keep seeing them EVERYWHERE, faux and real ones, and I knew I had to have one! It took a lot of searching but I finally found a fiddle leaf fig tree at a local nursery and thanks to my clearance chair, I had birthday money left over to spend on it…WHOOP WHOOP!

I DO NOT have a green thumb but since we’ve been in the new house I’ve been slowly trying to add plants and flowers inside the house and outside and I think I am getting better, I’ve only killed a few small things so far so I’ll consider that a win!

So here is my new fiddle leaf fig tree, Newton. I just sat him inside of a basket I picked up at the thrift store to give him a little more character.

FiddleFigTree  FiddleFigTree2FiddleFigTree3