The Door Before Custom Drawing Giveaway

Tomorrow is my birthday and I have some giveaways planned as a way to celebrate with all of you!

I met Geralyn from The Door Before on Instagram shortly after I started my IG account. I always loved seeing her custom drawings of homes and doors, what a special keepsake of homes that become so sentimental to us. So naturally when emailed me about doing a custom drawing for me, I immediately said yes!

Not only does she offer a drawing of the door but she will also draw A-Door-It™” that you can switch out for the seasons just like you do on your actual door! These are laminated little wreaths, door décor, etc. that can be adhered to a frame.


I loved my door and DIY Floral Initial before but I love seeing it drawn out even more!!

Great News for you: As part of my birthday giveaway, Geralyn is giving away a free custom door drawing and one “A-Door-It” for a HambyHome reader!

To enter:

1)  Leave a comment below telling me that you would love to win!

Additional entries:

1)  follow @thedoorbefore on Instagram

2)  follow @hambyhomedecor on Instagram

Enter by 8:00pm CST tonight – winner announced tonight!  Good luck!


Stay tuned tomorrow for another birthday giveaway!!



Free Spring Printable

I was looking for a good spring printable to use now that Easter is over. I found several that I liked but none that just felt perfect. I occasionally make my own printables when I can’t find one and decided it was time to create another one! I found this quote and knew it was perfect, “Bloom where you are planted”.

As I was researching the quote, I stumbled upon many different articles about this particular quote. Then I loved the quote even more. Here is an excerpt of one article I found:

We must come to a place where we trust that God has a reason for creating us the way He has and has planted us in just the place he desired. Comparing ourselves with one another will only make us wither. When we become satisfied in His creation (that is us), that’s when we’ll find true happiness and we will shine.

How awesome is that?! I often need that reminder! The Lord created us exactly the way we are and put us where we are today for a reason. Instead of wishing we were different or wishing we were somewhere else, working somewhere else, bloom where you are planted!!! I am sure this quote could be comprehended in many different ways but I do love this idea and know it’s something that I struggle with.


You can download this free printable here.

Hydrangeas are my favorite flower and I’m loving the watercolor look! I hope you enjoy this as much as I do!

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Win your own Bunny Canvas!

Isn’t this Darren Gygi Bunny an adorable addition to my Easter Decor?


I love Gygi’s artistic style and thought this bunny would make the perfect Easter artwork! I absolutely love his painting style and could see many of his home collection pieces looking great in my home.


Here are just a few of my favorites:



Here is how to win your own Bunny Canvas:

Follow me on Instagram at hambyhomedecor

Follow darrengygihomecollection on Instagram

Tag one friend on the Bunny Canvas Picture posted on my feed!


That’s all! The winner will be chosen tonight! I know you will love it as much as I do!!

Make sure to check out Gygi’s home collection and I’d love to hear which pieces are your favorites!



Tile Coaster Giveaway

I’m giving away two sets of coasters in honor of closing on our house TOMORROW!! This is an Instagram giveaway only. Just visit me on instagram @hambyhomedecor and tag a friend or friends to enter. Each person tagged is an entry and there is no limit!

You have until Thursday (tomorrow) at Noon CST to enter!

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Free Family Rules Chalkboard Printable

I have another free  chalkboard printable for all my Hamby Home friends! This one is a Family Rules that I design for my friend Jessica over at Home Sweet Hayden!

Family Rules

You can download it here!