Things I Love Thursday – Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

I’m not sure when this trend began but fiddle leaf fig trees are one of the hottest trends in the home décor world right now. I keep seeing them EVERYWHERE, faux and real ones, and I knew I had to have one! It took a lot of searching but I finally found a fiddle leaf fig tree at a local nursery and thanks to my clearance chair, I had birthday money left over to spend on it…WHOOP WHOOP!

I DO NOT have a green thumb but since we’ve been in the new house I’ve been slowly trying to add plants and flowers inside the house and outside and I think I am getting better, I’ve only killed a few small things so far so I’ll consider that a win!

So here is my new fiddle leaf fig tree, Newton. I just sat him inside of a basket I picked up at the thrift store to give him a little more character.

FiddleFigTree  FiddleFigTree2FiddleFigTree3

5 thoughts on “Things I Love Thursday – Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

    • So far so good! They only have to be watered about once a week and need to be near a window but not where it gets direct sunlight. Seems pretty low maintenance from what I have heard!!


  1. Hi! I love your wood floors! Would you mind telling me what kind of floors you have? (I think I have the same wall color in my home.) Love your fiddle leaf fig tree! I need to add more plants to my home!


  2. Pingback: Tips for Decorating with Plants | The Hamby Home

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