Mother’s Day Burlap Hanger

This past Valentines Day, I made my mom a wooden post and Valentines burlap hanger. The great thing about this is now she wants new and seasonal burlap hangers to swap out which means great gift ideas for each Holiday for the next year or two. I decided to make her one for Mother’s Day. Mom’s always love homemade gifts right? I figured I would make her a flower that she could use in Spring and Summer.

This was the perfect opportunity to use the bahama turquoise burlap that I got from that I told you about here.

When I first started making burlap hangers I just used natural colored burlap and would have spend all that time painting the blue and white stripes. Using colored burlap saves me the time and mess of painting the blue! You can find all kinds of awesome colored burlap at which would be great for flowers or many other burlap hangers!

Here is how I made this Mother’s Day Flower Burlap Hanger:

1. Using two different size mixing bowls, draw the flower shape.

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2. Paint the inside of the circle


3. Paint the flower petals the color or pattern you want. I chose chevron. This wasn’t my best chevron effort, I probably should have used tape to tape it off but I just free-handed the stripes. Sorry Mom, it’s not perfect!


4. Once that is dry add any words or additional designs that you want to add.


5. Trim the burlap to the flower shape and place onto another piece of burlap for the back.


6. Glue the edges of the flower and stuff the flower using anything you can use around the house. I used grocery sacks for this one.



7. Cut the back piece to match the front.


8. Add the Wire or any other hanger and any accent embellishments. I added lots of different colorful ribbon to brighten this flower up a bit more. That’s all it takes!

Happy Mother’s Day Mom! Love you!!









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