A Glance Into Our Past Halloweens

If you don’t know this about me, now you will…I LOVE HALLOWEEN! I love the fall and I love any excuse to get dressed up and eat candy! I also LOVE dressing up my dogs for Halloween…even if they don’t share the love for it! I have put clothes on RIley since the day I got him so he is typically pretty good and will humor me for a short period of time. He doesn’t love it but he knows his mommy does! Mason on the other hand is a poor second child that didn’t get dressed up often and really HATES it and fights you while you’re trying to put it on.

Here is a glance at our Halloweens over the years!

Before I had gotten a dog me and my mom picked up this costume on clearance for $.50. I had been wanting a dog for months so we figured it was safe to buy it for the future! Of course that following Halloween Riley had no choice but to wear this pumpkin costume!

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Riley’s 2nd Halloween he was the cutest bumble bee ever….RIGHT? And of course…we had to take pictures with the flowers! 🙂


And I found some Halloween Long Johns that were on clearance 🙂 He loves me


The next Halloween I had Mason to think about too. I already had the grapes costume (from clearance the year before) and I was given the strawberry costume by a co-worker that the costume no longer fit her dog so of course they were a FRUIT BASKET!


Since I am a clearance shopper and get the costumes that are left over I struggle to find matching/themed costumes. Luckily I had found two matching cow costumes. But who wants to be normal cows when you can be ChickfilA Cows! See what I mean about Mason…he hates it!

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This years costume is still somewhat of a mystery to me!

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